UK Council for Psychotherapy


Accredited Psychotherapist

British Association for
Counselling & Psychotherapy


Accredited Counsellor London

Private Health Insurance


Registered Counsellor London

Psychotherapy in London
Central London, Camden, Kings Cross, London NW1
Glen Gibson - MA Psychotherapy, Dip. Psychotherapy, Dip. Counselling
UKCP Registered Male Psychotherapist & mBACP Accredited Counsellor 020 7916 1342

Central London Psychotherapy in Camden - Homepage

Find a Psychotherapist - Psychotherapy near me. A psychotherapist in London, sometimes called "shrink" has different training than a psychologist in London (a London psychology practitioner). I use the terms "psychotherapy London", "psychotherapy in Camden Town", "psychotherapy in Kings Cross (King's Cross)", "psychotherapy Islington", "psychotherapeutic counselling London", "therapeutic counselling London", "London counselling" & "talking therapy London", "counselling psychology", and also "psychotherapist in London", "psychotherapeutic counsellor London", "therapeutic counsellors in London", "London counsellor" & "London talking therapist" interchangeably. I am accredited & trained in these areas & I am wiling to explain the differences between psychotherapists, therapists, counsellors & psychologists. Find a therapist, find a psychotherapist in London, Camden, near Kings cross

Website Navigation, Structure & Links
One purpose of this counselling London website is to offer a detailed resource, menu of relevant, familiar human complexities, experiences, threads - weaving the strands together, showing how they may be connected into a whole.

Why People Seek Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy in London offers a secure, confidential space to discuss what's currently happening for you, any challenges and obstacles you are experiencing. Besides the issues you bring, the psychotherapy may also include looking at what else matters to you, what you really want and what prohibits you, so far. Psychotherapy offers an external perspective, to gain a deeper understanding of you, and can offer guidance in overcoming any difficulties. Psychotherapy also explores aspects of you, which may have been overlooked or have been hard to articulate, alongside any existential concerns. You may be in conflict with yourself and the psychotherapy may include help with crystallising your feelings and thoughts, the known and unknown aspects of you, what matters to you. The therapy may also be helpful as a sounding board, so you can be heard and listened to, unburden, be understood, receive feedback, make sense of things or heal what you need to heal. Psychotherapy also offers the opportunity to look at what you are experiencing inside. In the psychotherapy you may want to address in depth your core issues, the causes, not only the symptoms but also what all this means for you. (See also Aims & Benefits Of Counselling & Psychotherapy London)

Psychotherapy London, Psychotherapist London - Counselling Psychology - Find a therapist in central London, NW1, Kings Cross or Camden

You may enter psychotherapy, so you can take some time to figure out what's happening in your life, maybe piece things together, make sense of some things. You may have some unresolved problems, preoccupations, which are now holding you back, weighing you down, consuming you and have had enough. (This may include no longer wanting to sweep under the carpet some of our demons.) Inside you may be suffering, want to talk about this, share this. Reconciling things may be important for you, as may making some difficult decisions. Uncomfortable or unsettled, you may be in a grip of powerful thoughts or feelings, some of them going round in a loop. Pushing away things we find hard to think about may no longer work. Troubled or overwhelmed at times things may have come to a head, something may not be working for you. You may have tried different things, muddled through, ending up back in a similar place, yet want to move on. Some of us may feel as if we are broken or in different pieces, need mending. You may be seeking more balance, stability, be in your own ground. You may be functioning well, yet experience unhappiness or discontent inside. Unfulfilled, a "get on with it attitude" may no longer work, nor may running away from things. Going through the motions, there may be something missing or stirring for you, yet you are unsure what it is. We may now be questioning any misplaced loyalties. You may be frustrated or stuck in an unavoidable phase of your life or a relationship. Some good things may be happening for you, and on the outside things can seem fine, yet inside you may be struggling. You may feel as if you are on "auto-pilot", maybe fitting in with things, yet feel apart, not fully involved, blocked, trapped, bored, disconnected, lonely or empty inside or like an outsider. You may now be seeking different structures in your life, ones which work for you, alongside a stronger feeling of inner safety, self-trust.

What We May Be Experiencing Inside We may have let certain things slide. Issues which have been gnawing away, have now become too much, and you may no longer be willing to sweep them under the carpet. Patching things up, pretending everything is fine, may no longer be enough. You may be under pressure, confused or lost, seeking your own compass or anchor in life, so you are back on track, no longer treading water. You may have built a wall around you - as if you are in a bubble. Spending a lot of time in your head, you may struggle to switch off, consistently worrying (see Mind, Thoughts & Beliefs - Counselling London). Being in touch with who we are may be important. You may have difficulties or a familiar problem that you don't want to ignore any longer. You may be at a crossroads, seeking order, coping strategies, resilience, tools and structures, or something new to help. You may be seeking calmness, peace of mind or to be more content, finding ways to overcome your fears or reduce any walls of protection, which may have been necessary when younger, protecting us from our wounds. Putting the brakes on, or indeed loosening them may be a challenge (see Our Resilience, Hardiness & Protecting Our Personal Boundaries). As if you are on a rollercoaster, you may want to be more equipped or prepared to cope with the ups and downs, or find healthier ways to ease any pressures by feeling more stable and secure.

The unexamined life is not worth living. Socrates

Uneasiness To change patterns of behaviour you may want to understand how you add to your difficulties or any obstacles that you personally put in the way, maybe being less driven by obligation, old loyalties, oaths, sacred cows, duties, taboos. Being settled or moving on may be a concern. Felling overwhelmed by thoughts or feelings, you may want to manage differently what happens inside of you, or find ways to tolerate or reduce your own tension, anxiety or inner pain. You may bring specific, unresolved issues, holding back a part of you, wanting to be in touch with your authentic feelings - any heart-head conflicts, choices, options, changes, desires, inspirations, longing. Uneasy, you may want to be more in tune with all of who you are, exposing your real nature to others without fear. Things from your past, which you believe had been dealt with, you may also want to revisit. Our pain or grief for someone or something may be unexpressed (see Releasing Ourselves & Letting Go). You may want to take stock, trust more who you are or try new things, utilising the psychotherapy as voyage of self-discovery or soul searching. Longing, yearning for something, it can be as if we are living half a life. We may also have concerns, like: Why I am the way I am?, How come I do the things I do?

Initially my central role as a psychotherapist is to hear why you have come, get to know and understand you - what it feels like to be you. I tend to ask lots of questions, finding out about you, your issues, any setbacks, relevant history and future aspirations, any underlying issues, so I can be clearer how psychotherapy can help navigate through any difficulties.

Psychotherapy London - Psychotherapist London - Psychotherapy Kings Cross - Counselling Psychology - find a therapist central London, NW1, Camden near Kings Cross

I respect, value and welcome each person's diversity, uniqueness, autonomy and respond individually to your own circumstances. Yet, I also acknowledge people's similarities, shared experiences and connectedness, what all human beings have in common - our creativity, suffering and significance of the human heart. As a psychotherapist I am experienced in working with old and young, both men and women, whatever our skin colour, people of many cultures and nationalities (see also Being In London), whatever religious or spiritual beliefs, atheist and agnostic and people who are straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, whatever our sexuality. In my psychotherapy experience being at ease with the psychotherapist in a collaborative relationship is what clients value most.

More about why people may seek psychotherapy ....

Issues People Bring to Psychotherapy

Range Of Issues, Symptoms People May Bring To Psychotherapy As we overcome problems in one area, we can have more resources for addressing difficulties in other areas. The range of issues people bring to psychotherapy is infinite (see Issues & Transitions In Our Lives for a more comprehensive list). These may include:

Other concerns and issues people bring to psychotherapy...

Psychotherapy In London Involves Overlapping Perspectives

My Psychotherapy Approach, Philosophy & Style of Practice

My Psychotherapy Approach is both human and professional. In my psychotherapy practice based in London I work at your own pace and aim to be supportive and affirming without using jargon. I bring my experience, reliability, understanding, insightfulness and sensitivity, alongside my creativity, warmth and humour. I passionately believe in self-determination and responsibility. In the psychotherapy I have an impartial view and utilise my knowledge and intuition. My psychotherapy approach is not only about reducing symptoms, but also includes exploration of your unrealised possibilities and creative potential. In the psychotherapy I will be interested not only about your experiences, but also how you respond to them. I acknowledge each person's humanity, including our strengths and resources, yet also our vulnerability and limitations.

Focus of Psychotherapy The process of psychotherapy looks not so much at the outside world to change, blame or provide a cure or explanations - it focuses more on ourself, reflecting upon our inner world and truth. My psychotherapy approach includes reviewing with you where you are now, how you've got there, your influences, what helps you and what no longer does. My role as a psychotherapist is to find out what it is like to be you, notice how you think, feel and act, and mirror this back to you, testing if what I'm saying, fits and resonates with you, so you can be clearer about making important decisions.

Flexible Therapy Approach Psychotherapy is not exclusively a scientific or medical model, nor a panacea. Central to my beliefs is that no one-size-fits-all psychotherapy approach works well for every one of us, because we have different personalities, needs, qualities and unique circumstances, experiencing the same situations differently, and usually there are various reasons for why we are the way we are. We don't all fit into convenient boxes. We are infinitely complex, mysterious, with endless possibilities, so there is rarely one easy formula or quick fix and different approaches help different clients. I don't have a tick-box approach to psychotherapy or nor do I claim to have answers to all struggles. What theoretical psychological model works for some, may not suit another - each person may need a different style. The therapy is a meeting of two people and my psychotherapy experience indicates that the quality of relationship between the client and psychotherapist - how we relate, is more important than the style of psychotherapy.

Psychotherapy in London, Find a Psychotherapist in Camden, NW1, Counselling Psychology, Psychotherapy Kings Cross

Working Together With You In The Psychotherapy I have an affirming psychotherapy approach, to help you to make choices that enhance rather than restrict you. Some people prefer a cognitive or technical approach to psychotherapy. Others value a relational, interpersonal style of psychotherapy, which allows issues to emerge. Receiving feedback, gentle guidance or reassurance may help for some people, whereas others may prefer a more challenging psychotherapy style.

More about my psychotherapy approach, philosophy and style of practice...

My Background In Psychotherapy

My Experience In Psychotherapy I have over 40 years' experience in the voluntary and private sector, of working with people going through profound changes, crises and transitions. I believe that lasting and meaningful change is possible, at whatever stage. I value listening to and learning from each person's life story and aspire to share my experiences with others in my London psychotherapy practice. In the psychotherapy I recognise that although many things come to us naturally, we sometimes also need to learn.

My Psychotherapy Qualifications I am a male psychotherapist and counsellor and my involvement in psychotherapy began in 1982. I was drawn to my practical and in-depth 6 year psychotherapy training because central to its philosophy was a "psychology of the soul". My training in psychosynthesis counselling and psychotherapy (developed by Roberto Assagioli) at The Institute of Psychosynthesis in London was validated by The Middlesex University, London. My psychotherapy qualifications are: MA in Psychotherapy, Diploma in Psychotherapy and Diploma in Counselling.

My Training & Experience In Psychotherapy integrates the psychological, emotional, sexual, spiritual and physical aspects of a person. It gave me a wider understanding of myself and others, offering different integrative models and strategies, e.g. Transpersonal Psychosynthesis, Humanistic, Psychospiritual Psychotherapy and others. I also hold a psychodynamic approach and am able to offer a CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy).

My Continuous Professional Development In Psychotherapy Through ongoing professional psychotherapy training, I keep informed of developments and increase my knowledge in the sphere of psychotherapy. This is integral in my London psychotherapy practice, based in Camden, Kings Cross.

Psychotherapist Accreditation

As a fully qualified psychotherapist, I am registered and accredited with the main UK psychology and psychotherapy regulation bodies and work with their codes of ethics. I am:

More about the psychotherapist...

Contacting Psychotherapist

To arrange an initial psychotherapy meeting in Camden Town, close to Kings Cross (Central London), please contact the psychotherapist, Glen Gibson:

  • By telephone: 020 7916 1342 - If I am not available, do leave a brief message and I will promptly respond
  • By - Please outline why you are seeking psychotherapy

Initial Psychotherapy Meeting

Beginning psychotherapy is a big decision and commitment for us both. It can be a challenge for some to take that first step. Initially psychotherapy can be confusing, with a puzzling range of professional psychotherapy organisations, types of therapy and its language.

During our initial psychotherapy meetings in London, Camden, Kings Cross, or online, we will talk about what brings you, in order to understand and assess how therapy can help. If we are comfortable with each other we can arrange further psychotherapy sessions. I am also happy to refer you to psychotherapists or psychologists throughout London, if Camden, Kings Cross (central London) is inconvenient.

Central London Psychotherapy Location

My London psychotherapy practice is in Camden, central London (click here for Camden map) and has nearby car parking, with easy access from Westminster (London WC), West End (London W) and City of London (London EC), Kings Cross and Euston (London WC1 and WC2), Islington (London N1), Belsize Park and Hampstead, (London NW3), Kentish Town (London NW5). It is close to the following transport links:

Additional Information

Questions About Psychotherapy In London:

FAQs about the Psychotherapy London practice based in Kings Cross, Camden:

  • What is the frequency of psychotherapy in London, Kings Cross?
  • How many psychotherapy in London sessions do I need?
  • How much does psychotherapy London cost?
  • Must I visit your London psychotherapy practice in Camden or do you offer Skype psychotherapy, online psychotherapy or Telephone psychotherapy?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of offering online psychotherapy, Skype psychotherapy or in-person psychotherapy in London, Camden, Kings Cross
  • Do you offer walking therapy, outdoor psychotherapy, walk and talk therapy?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of walking therapy, outdoor psychotherapy and walk and talk therapy, Camden, Kings Cross
  • Do you only offer psychotherapy in London, Camden or Kings Cross?
  • What times do you offer psychotherapy in London, Kings Cross or Camden?
  • How do I contact a psychotherapist in London, Camden, or near Kings Cross?
  • How effective is psychotherapy in London, Kings Cross, Camden?
  • What can I expect from the initial session of psychotherapy London?
  • What to expect from the other psychotherapy London sessions?
  • What is the typical duration of the London psychotherapy services in Camden, Kings Cross

Counselling London Psychotherapy Central London
