in London

Online & London, Camden, Kings Cross, NW1
020 7916 1342

London Counselling For Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, ADHD, Autism

Neuro-Diverse Experiences, "Labels" The highly susceptible brain organ can be changed when reacting to stressful situations (including parental stresses), experiences, impact of traumas by tuning out as a response (especially if highly sensitive to the environment). Some of us, for example, may have tuned out as child, including tuning out of our feelings, needs, and this can continue into adulthood. Our brain is also affected by the impact of our past (including any non-responsiveness, empathic breaks and frustrations in our early life - see also Our First Relationship - Early Connections & Bonding Patterns), social, life factors which also shape our self, as do the anchors in our life. However, a lens to view certain conditions is through what's happening biomedically in the brain and the make-up of neuro-diversity (see also Free Will & Relationship To Fatalism, Preordainment, Determinism, Indeterminism & Randomness, Karma, Nature & Nurture - Dilemmas, Challenges). For some of us, since birth our brains (although significantly shaped and influenced by our environment, as neuroscience acknowledges) may be wired differently. Our receptors and transmitters may also be different. (As parents, we may sometimes notice our own neuro-diversity through similar characteristics in our own child.) The following neuro-divergent experiences, neuro-original ways of being, ranging from mild to substantial can occur singularly or in various combinations: dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, ADHD/ADD. We may be a person experiencing autism or be given a "label" of "high functioning ASD" and find some things difficult to navigate. These "labels", "conditions" (also known as Autism - Autistic Spectrum Disorder, sometimes still called Asperger's syndrome, where our logical, rational side can dominate, may also be linked to alexithymia - trouble finding words to express feelings or struggling with our own emotional awareness or emotions in others (or what has been termed Pathological Demand Avoidance - PDA) may carry interchangeable, coexisting responses, "symptoms". We are not a set of deficits. The term "disorder" can indicate that there is something wrong, rather than a natural variation in human evolution, simply different. (Sometimes we just may be highly sensitive and not have these so called neuro-divergent "conditions", "labels". For others these "conditions" may coexist, where we can also be sensitive to high stimulation and how we process our sensitivities may be different.) The role of therapy is not to focus on the diagnosis, "cure" "conditions", but more to work with our individual needs, feeling mixed up and own potential, so we are comfortable with our Self and others.

Contacting The Counsellor in London Feel free to ring for an initial chat 020 7916 1342 or email me to arrange a meeting at my London counselling practice based in Camden, near Kings Cross. As well as in-person counselling I can offer Skype counselling, online counselling as another option.

For full details about the dyslexia Counselling in London, Camden, Kings Cross service, my desktop website refers
